Tuesday, May 9, 2023


While everyone around the country (besides lazy Californians) was guesstimating how many thousands of dollars they should claim in value for their donated old HOKA's; the Square State Striders were running all over America. 

Lets dig in with new team additions:

Ruth Black locked down 6th place overall (44:54)at the local Take 5 in the Garden. Ruth reported that she signed up for this race before even moving to town. So I can only assume that she won the signup competition as well. She submitted a rather graphic race report detailing the various  methods of bodily damage that a GI bug had inflicted upon all the members of her family.   if  you are interested in hearing the uncenscored review of Ruth's race, you'll have to join the team

Sam Wood, another new Square State Strider, decided to front load all her miles this year in a span of two weekends. Sam secured 3rd place (5:30:17) at the Cheyenne Mountain Trail 50k . Sam completed this marathon plus distance in sandals (as one does), reporting that she cramped in an unspecified manner. Sam did acknowledge that 2 burritos were required in the immediate recovery process. Not more than a week later Sam completed the Lincoln Marathon,  in Nebraska (* last state to create a flag!) in effort to qualify for the Army Guard Marathon team. Sam clocked a 3:29:09. Sam's detailed report of the race was "Hot. 1 burrito. Qualified." Way to go Sam, best of luck at your next unpleasant endeavor!

Melissa Stapanowich trapsed through the forest service roads of Chaffee County, notching a speedy 4:36:27, at the Collegiate Peaks Trail Run - 25 Mile. A race this long requires mental fortitude, which can mean the tipping point of a successful event. To pass the time, Melissa collected juniper berries along the course to brew a spicy pot of juniper berry tea post race (chillout narcs, its federal land, she can pick all she wants). Great job Melissa, looking for that recipe!

James Kaminski, reurned to the heartland and sped his way to a 1:26:48 half marathon at the OneAmerica 500 Festival Mini Marathon. OneAmerica 500 (which sounds like the 3rd company my mortgage was sold to) half marathon was held in Indianapolis. James a fixture on trail and ultra scene here in Colorado, joins the Striders to clearly address unfinished business on the speed side. Welcome James!

Brian Fleischmann, early Strider team member but just dusting off his racing cap. Wait, swimming results?!?. Brian had a very successful weekend at the Masters Swim Nationals, held in Irvine CA. Brian took home gold in the ag 40-44y , 1000yd freestyle touching the wall in 10:18:59. Brian spends his free time fooling other Square State Striders by describing made up swim strokes, like the Belgian Frog Lip. 

Adam Rich, whom we can only assume has signed a secret deal requiring at least 2 dozen race wins per year; notched an eye opening double win at the Highline Canal 5k and 10k. No clue on the time gap between the race starts (I'm sure we could look it up). Adam ripped around Centennial CO, clocking 16:15/34:18, clearing the field in both races by minutes. Nice work Adam. 

Neil McDonagh, flew out to LA in hopes of reliving the 90's, racing a Masters mile at the storied Arcadia Invitational high school track meet. Neil held off a pack of hard charging 40+ guys with a late last homestretch kick. Neil left LA satisfied having run a 4:26.9 and with an incubating case of COVID. 

New addition but not recently racing, Zachary Miller, has joined the Square State Striders. In his intro email Zachary touted: 

    • 10+ Nielson Challenge finishes
    • Bragged about living tax free for a number of years on the side of Pikes Peak 
    • Represented USA for World Championships in Mountain Running Long Course


December Always Remembers

  Jeffrey Eggleston , like the NASA Parker Solar probe dabbled in flying as close as he could to the sun in some recent races.  11/17/24, Th...